Falun Dafa in Singapore
Welcome to Singapore Falun Dafa web site. We hope that you will find this Web Site a good place to start learning about the practice of Falun Dafa. All of the content in this site – excepting the founder’s writings – represents the ideas and opinions of Falun Dafa practitioners, and should not be taken as representative of Falun Dafa itself. We merely hope to introduce this wonderful practice to you, and we hope you will take some time to explore it for yourself!
New Writings From Master Li

Read Master Li’s latest writing, “How Humankind Came To Be” – Click here


Falun Dafa is a practice that has brought better health and inner peace to millions around the world. We call it a cultivation practice: “cultivation” refers to the improvement of one’s heart and mind through the careful study of universal principles based on truthfulness, benevolence, and forbearance; “practice” means doing exercises and meditation to energize the body.
Learning Falun Dafa is easy. The practice is simple, powerful, and absolutely free. The main principles of Falun Dafa are explained in their entirety in the book Zhuan Falun, and in the beginner’s text, Falun Gong, both written by Falun Dafa’s founder, Mr. Li Hongzhi. Also essential to the practice are the five gentle exercises, including a seated meditation, which you can learn quickly and easily at any of the thousands of practice locations around the world.
About Falun Gong
Falun Gong (also called Falun Dafa) is an ancient form of qigong, the practice of refining the body and mind through special exercises and meditation. Like tai chi, qigong is a vital part of many people’s lives in Asia; almost every Chinese park is brimming by the break of dawn with people practicing these arts.
In just eight years since its public introduction, Falun Dafa has grown to become the most popular form of qigong ever in Chinese history. The major reason for this is that Falun Dafa distinguishes itself from other qigong practices by emphasizing not only physical cultivation, but also cultivation of one’s moral character in daily life according to higher principles taught by Mr. Li Hongzhi, Falun Dafa’s founder.
Falun Dafa’s effectiveness in improving health and its profound principles have quickly made the practice immensely popular throughout the entire world. Since being introduced to the general public in 1992 by Mr. Li, Falun Dafa has attracted tens of millions of people in over 40 countries. Most major cities and universities in the United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe have English-speaking Falun Dafa practice groups.
The people who practice Falun Dafa come from every imaginable walk of life, as Falun Dafa transcends cultural, social, economic, and national boundaries. The practice has spread largely by word of mouth, as those who learn it usually find the benefits simply too good to keep to themselves.
The Books and the Exercises

The practice of Falun Dafa is simple, yet profound and effective. It consists primarily of two components: self-improvement through studying Mr. Li’s teachings, and performing Falun Dafa’s five gentle exercises. The exercises, which include a meditation, are easy to learn, enjoyable, and at the same time both relaxing and energizing. Many students of Falun Dafa enjoy doing them together as a group outdoors. The teachings are articulated in two books, Falun Gong (Law Wheel Qigong) and Zhuan Falun (Turning the Law Wheel), which are available in over a dozen languages, including English.
The Principles of the Practice
The benefits of practicing Falun Dafa are numerous and varied, ranging from improved health and newfound energy to mental clarity, stress relief, and peace of mind. Yet Falun Dafa is different from most other qigong practices in that it goes beyond the pursuit of health and fitness to the goal of wisdom and enlightenment. At the heart of the practice are the supreme principles of the universe: Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance. Through a combination of studying the books and performing the exercises, practitioners strive to become better people by embodying these principles in everything they do.
Awards and Recognitions from Around the World
Falun Gong has been the subject of many citations, awards, and proclamations, conferred by government officials and a variety of organizations. Many who practice Falun Gong have been the recipients of service awards in their communities and at their workplaces.
The practice’s founder, Mr. Li Hongzhi, is a four-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee and was nominated by the European Parliament for the Sakharov Prize For Freedom of Thought. He is also the recipient of Freedom House’s International Religious Freedom Award.
Chinese Ministry of Public Security praises Mr. Li and Falun Gong
(L) A letter of appreciation to Mr. Li by China Foundation for Justice and Courage, an affiliate institution of the Ministry of Public Security. (R) The People’s Public Security Daily (publication by the Chinese Ministry of Public Security), published on September 21, 1993: [We commend Mr. Li for his contributions] in promoting the traditional crime-fighting virtues of the Chinese people, in safeguarding social order and security, and in promoting rectitude in society.
Is This for Me?
Millions of people all over the world have chosen to make the practice of Falun Dafa a part of their daily lives. Simply put, they find it a worthy and enjoyable investment of their time towards health, happiness, and meaningful living. All that’s required is an open mind and a willing heart. Everyone is welcome, as Falun Dafa is apolitical, informal, and completely free of charge, obligation, and membership. All books are even available for free download. We invite you to give this wonderful practice a try and discover it for yourself.

The Singapore Falun Buddha Society was formally registered with the Registrar of Societies under the Ministry of Home Affairs on 19 July 1996.
In the next three years, Falun Gong spread quickly throughout Singapore, with classes held in various Community Centres, Resident Committee premises, and other venues. The Siglap Community Centre, Ang Mo Kio Community Centre, and Pek Kio Community Centre (pictures above) are among the venues where the exercises are taught to the public. These classes attracted the participation of many Singaporeans.
In Singapore, Falun Gong practitioners come from all walks of life. Among us are working professionals, lawyers, university professors, architects, businessmen, housewives, and students. Using the tenets of Falun Gong as guidance, we strive to think of others before ourselves, and to be good people whether at home, at work, or in the society.
Since the brutal persecution of Falun Gong in China started in July 1999, the communist regime has waged an all-out propaganda campaign against Falun Gong by disseminating false and fabricated information all over the world. Propaganda reached our shores via local media. In November 2001, a propaganda exhibition organized by the Chinese embassy was held at the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce to incite hatred against Falun Gong. All these propaganda resulted in negativity towards Falun Gong locally.
Given that false information has spread throughout Singapore, Falun Gong practitioners in Singapore have diligently clarified the truth about Falun Gong and the ongoing persecution in China to Singaporeans. We feel that Singaporeans should also benefit from this great practice. Through our efforts, we hope to raise awareness of the plight and suffering of Falun Gong practitioners in China, and to help end this human calamity.

Why is the Chinese Government Persecuting Falun Gong Practitioners?
Falun Gong practitioners exercise in Beijing, before the persecution began on July 20, 1999. (Minghui.org)Falun Gong was first introduced to the public in China by Mr. Li Hongzhi, in 1992. The people who initially tried the practice not only found powerful healing effects, but many also found answers to their deepest questions in life. As they continued to practice, their friends and family started to notice how they were becoming healthier and becoming better people overall. Thus, almost entirely by word of mouth, the numbers of enthusiasts kept growing. Falun Gong spread into 50 countries and attracted people from all walks of life and all cultural backgrounds.
Originally, the Chinese government promoted Falun Gong, because the tremendous health benefits it offered eased the burden on China’s crumbling health care system. However, in seven years the number of Falun Gong practitioners grew to outnumber Communist party members almost two-to-one. When Chinese President Jiang Zemin became aware of Falun Gong’s popularity, he was shocked- and frightened. The sheer number of practitioners caused President Jiang to view Falun Gong as a potential threat to his power.
Acting on orders from the government, police began harassing practitioners, preventing them from practicing together, and threatening them with arrest. Meanwhile, certain newspapers began printing negatively biased articles. In one incident in Tianjin, police beat and arrested practitioners who dared to come forward to express their views.
Practitioners around the country responded by asking their local governments to assist them. They were told that the orders had come from the central government. Thus, on April 25, 1999 about 10.000 people gathered outside the main government buildings in Beijing to present their request for a legal and non-hostile environment in which to practice. The gathering was peaceful, orderly and lawful. After a few practitioners met with certain high-level government officials, everyone quietly went home.
After this incident, President Jiang decided that Falun Gong needed to be eradicated. Therefore, on July 20, 1999, President Jiang declared Falun Gong illegal, and ordered the arrest of Falun Gong practitioners. Police began raiding practitioners’ homes, seizing books and tapes, and arresting anyone suspected of involvement with Falun Gong. Practitioners have been fired from their jobs, expelled from their schools, and evicted from their homes. Since 1999, tens of thousands have been arrested, tried (in many cases in closed-door trials, with no defense counsel) and sentenced to many years in prison, or sent without trial to forced-labor camps, where they are subjected to officially sanctioned persecution by the guards.
Jiang simultaneously launched a nationwide anti-Falun Gong propaganda campaign, using the state-run television, radio, and newspapers to feed the Chinese populace disinformation about Falun Gong telling people that Falun Gong made people sick or insane in order to get the citizens to accept the brutality of the persecution.
In spite of this harsh treatment, practitioners are so moved by Falun Gong power and purity that they continue to cultivate. Thus, the Chinese government has drastically increased the severity of its methods. Police have begun brutally beating and torturing practitioners, using clubs, whips, boots, and fists to force practitioners to renounce Falun Gong. Practitioners have been beaten, whipped, shocked with cattle prods, and burned alive. In Masanjia labor camp, eighteen female practitioners were stripped naked and forced into the cells of male criminals to be repeatedly raped and abused. Neither women nor the elderly are spared; all Falun Gong practitioners in China risk being tortured and killed at the order of the Communist Chinese government, and for no other reason than that they believe in Truth, Compassion, and Tolerance.
To date, more than four thousands practitioners have been confirmed tortured to death while in police custody.
Overseas, the Chinese government has, through its embassies and consulates, put pressure on foreign governments to comply with its suppression of Falun Gong. Parliamentary ministers from Australia and New Zealand have publicly denounced the Chinese government for interfering with the press and police departments. In California, and Nevada, governors and mayors have been pressured by Chinese embassy staff to prevent them from proclaiming Falun Dafa Week in their cities, while university deans have been told not to allow Falun Gong clubs on campus.
The persecution of Falun Gong affects more people than any similar event in the history of mankind. If it continues unchecked, it could become the largest human tragedy in history. All practitioners sincerely hope that the citizens of the world will learn of the plight of the Chinese practitioners and demand a return to the rule of law and the restoration of practitioners’ Constitutional rights in Communist China. We ask all news agencies to spread this information and help to end this tragedy.
Commonly Asked Questions

Q: What is Falun Dafa, or Falun Gong?
A: Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, is an ancient practice for mind and body, originating in pre-historic China. The practice involves some slow, gentle movements and a meditation. It is easy to learn, enjoyable to practice, and free of charge. A central component of Falun Gong practice is studying the universal principles of truthfulness, benevolence, and tolerance.
Q: Who is Mr. Li Hongzhi?
A: Mr. Li Hongzhi introduced the practice of Falun Dafa to the general public in China in 1992. He then taught the practice publicly for two years in China, after which the practice continued to grow primarily by word-of-mouth. In keeping with Chinese tradition, Mr. Li is sometimes respectfully referred to as “Master” or “Teacher.” He is not accorded special treatment, nor does he accept money or donations from students of Falun Dafa. He has ensured that the practice be available to all people, and without any terms or conditions. Mr. Li has given occasional public lectures over the past few years in various countries, including Australia, Switzerland, Canada, and the USA.
Q: Who practices Falun Dafa, and how do they find it beneficial?
A: Falun Dafa is practiced by people of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds, in more than 60 countries worldwide. Almost everyone who practices reports significantly improved health, reduced stress, and increased levels of energy.
Q: I’m interested in trying it out or learning more about it? How can I get started?
A: All practice sites offer free instruction, and everyone is welcome. To find a site near your home, you can check the practices sites from this link. There are also instructional books available from Seng Yew Bookstore at Blk 231 Bain Street #01-17 Bras Basah Complex. Please call 63362447 and check the book availability before the visit.
Q: How can I obtain a copy of Falun Gong book and exercise video tape?
A: You can visit the online bookstore at https://www.tiantibooks.org to order them.

Online E-books
Falun dafa books are available online below: View Zhuan Falun online Falun Dafa E-booksPRACTICE SITES
North |
1 | Yishun Park (Opposite Yishun Park Hawker Centre) | Sat 6:00AM | William Au | 9138-7492 | ||
2 | Admiralty MRT Station (beside blk 678 Tai Sin Chinese Medical) | Sun 7:00AM to 8.00AM | Lin Jie | 8222-9270 |
North-East |
1 | Punggol Park | Sat 7:00AM | Mr Kang | 9670-4688 | Mr Quek | 9176-6206 |
2 | Sengkang Sculpture Park (near KouFu) | Tue 7:30PM | Victor | 9665-6725 | ||
3 | Serangoon Ave 1 (Badminton court between Blk 410 and 412) | Fri 8:00PM | Mr Lim | 8147-6046 | Mdm Tan | 6289-0538 |
4 | Serangoon Central Dr (between Blk 263 and 254A) | Mon 8:00PM | Mr Lim | 8147-6046 | Mdm Tan | 6289-0538 |
5 | Serangoon Stadium | Sun 6:00AM | Mdm See | 9621-2627 | ||
6 | Punngol Waterway Point (Semi-circle pavement facing river) | Sun 6:30AM | Kok Ching | 8322-6370 | Judy | 9663-9815 |
Central |
1 | MacRitchie Reservoir | Mon 8:00PM | Mr Wong | 9756-0029 | ||
2 | Bishan Park 2 | Mon/Wed/Fri 8:00PM | Mdm Pheng | 9752-6090 | ||
3 | Boon Keng Rd (Blk 4 void deck near Boon Keng MRT Station) | Sun 9:00AM | Mr Koh | 9855-5958 | Judy | 8138-7809 |
South |
1 | Tiong Bahru Park (near children playground) | Thu 7:00PM | Mr Hao | 9817-9468 |
East |
1 | Bedok South Ave 3 (beside Blk 68) | Sat 6:00AM | Cindy | 9115-3638 | ||
2 | Bedok Stadium | Everyday 6:00AM | Mdm Lee | 9639-7192 | ||
3 | Blk 147A Tampines Ave 5 (Activity Hall,behind Blk 148) | Sun 8:00AM | Mr Quah | 9782-1452 | ||
4 | Blk 740 Pasir Ris St 71 (Void Deck) | Sun 6:00AM | Feng E | 9248-2525 | ||
5 | East Coast Park (Car Park C4,Opposite big playground) | Sat 8:00PM | Mdm Chin | 8885-5238 | ||
6 | Blk 318 & 319 Ubi Ave 1 Pavilion | Sat/Sun 6.15am | Mr Woo Mrs Lee |
9006-9859 8518-7236 |
West |
1 | Bukit Batok West Ave 6 (Blk 119) | Fri 8:00PM | Ms Hong | 9628-0821 | ||
2 | Choa Chu Kang Park | Sun 6:45AM | Mr Ong | 9770-3395 | ||
3 | Choa Chu Kang Ave 1 (Front of Blk 808D) | Mon-Sat 6.30AM | Ms Hong. | 9628-0821 | ||
4 | Clementi Stadium | Sun 8:30AM | Mdm Tan/Caiwen | 9638-9523/9665-1986 | Mr Tan | 9792-6375 |
5 | Toh Guan Rd (park beside Blk 285A) | Mon-Fri 7:15AM | Mr Tan | 9734-7687 | ||
6 | Jurong West St 52 (Blk 530A) | Mon 8:00PM | Mdm Chan | 9741-5537 | Ms Zhan. | 9337-1472 |
Feel free to contact us at info@falundafa.org.sg